“The Baby Boomers have had their moment in power. The most spoilt generation in history has handled affairs with its characteristic hedonism. The results are coming in.” –Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Yup. Living beyond your means is as fun as getting rip roaring drunk… and like getting absolutely smashed, there is that inevitable reckoning that even more booze can do nothin to prevent. (Try as you might.)
A little more color on my post from earlier today UK and Iceland: Not So Different.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is SERIOUSLY ALARMED: “The slide in sterling has turned "disorderly".
We can argue over whether or not the first phase of devaluation acted as a shock-absorber for a badly mismanaged economy, providing a cushion against debt deflation and the housing crash. But the latest dive has a very malign feel.
For the first time since this crisis began eighteen months ago, I am seriously worried that British government is losing control.
The currency has fallen five cents today to $1.39 against the dollar. It is now perched precariously on a two-decade support line -- the levels tested in 2001 and 1992. If it breaks that line, traders may send it crashing down towards dollar parity.
The danger is blindingly obvious. The $4.4 trillion of foreign liabilities accumulated by UK banks are twice the size of the British economy. UK foreign reserves are virtually nothing at $60.6bn. (on this, more later in a piece I'm writing today)
If the Government is forced to nationalise RBS and perhaps Barclays with their vast exposure in dollars, euros, and yen, it risks being submerged. It is one thing for a sovereign state to let its national debt jump in a crisis -- or a war -- perhaps even to 100pc of GDP. It is another to take on foreign debts on such a scale with no reserves. Yes, the banks have foreign assets as well to match the debts. But how much are these assets really worth?
This is the moment when the "rubber hits the road" -- to borrow from American argot -- the moment when the reckless debt experiment of our economic and political leaders comes back to haunt.
We cannot even do what Iceland did to save its skin. Reykjavik refused to honour the foreign debts of its buccaneering banks. It let them default, parking the losses in Resolution Committees. Small islands can do that. Iceland has fish instead, and lots of metals.
Britain cannot follow suit. The debts are too big. If London takes such disastrous action it will set off global panic and lead to an asset death spiral, drawing the entire world into deep depression.
What have our leaders wrought? The reckless conduct of City, the fiscal incontinence of Gordon Brown (3pc deficit at the top of the cycle), and the pitiful regulation of the UK housing boom have all combined to bring the country to the brink of disaster.
England has not defaulted since the Middle Ages. There is a real risk it may do so now.
And no -- just so there is no misunderstanding -- it would not have been any better if Britain had joined the euro ten years ago. The bubble would have been just as bad, or worse, as Ireland and Spain can attest. We have our disaster. They have their disaster. When the dust has settled in five years we can make a proper judgement on the sterling-EMU issue. Not now.
The Baby Boomers have had their moment in power. The most spoilt generation in history has handled affairs with its characteristic hedonism. The results are coming in.
The blithering idiots.”
Schedule for Week of February 23, 2025
3 hours ago
dude are you still long SRS? House of PAIN today
RE: “The Baby Boomers have had their moment in power. The most spoilt generation in history has handled affairs with its characteristic hedonism. The results are coming in.” –Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Or, is this not the cul-de-sac inevitably arrived at by the uncritical following of two decidedly avant-boom leaders, Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher ?
"most spoilt generation in history"?
Perhaps the author's proximity has distorted his view, or perhaps he is simply ignorant of the very many generations which have lived throughout history.
Or perhaps, he feels that some history is irrelevant, for him to make his point.
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