Bill Moyers interviews the former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), MIT Sloan School of Management professor and senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, Simon Johnson on President Obama's plan for economic recovery.
Full video interview here.
[ snip ]
"BILL MOYERS: And, yet, Secretary Geithner's chief-of-staff is the former lobbyist for Goldman Sachs. How - serious question - how do they make a dispassionate judgment about how to deal with Goldman Sachs when they're so intertwined with Goldman Sachs' mindset?
SIMON JOHNSON: I have no idea. Of course, the administration, the new administration, has a lot of rules about lobbying. And they have rules that basically say, I think, as understood the rules, when they were first presented, I was very impressed. They basically said, "We're not going to hire lobbyists into the administration. There has to be some sort of cooling off period."
BILL MOYERS: And the next day Obama exempted a number of people from that very rule that he had just proclaimed.
SIMON JOHNSON: Yes. It's a problem. It's a huge problem. "
[ snip ]
Saturday links: an unstable world
1 hour ago
The new sculptor has to work with the same old clay.
The new sculptor also went to the same Art School as the old sculptor...
Ben, you are nailing it time and time again. I am short JPM as well as GS now. Trouble is, if they both go down, the whole system goes down as well, probably including my trading account. Oh well, what the hell !
Also should have said thank you for the video transcript, as I can't get video content.
Ben, get read to short the news on Wednesday.
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