[ HT The Doomsday Report ]
It is truely amazing how a violent short squeeze brings out the bottom callers. As tent cities spring up around every major city like mushrooms on fresh dung, it is almost hysterically insane to call a bottom. These developments are not isolated and they are not insignificant. These are not "mustard seeds of hope". Things have NEVER gotten this bad this quickly... not even during the Great Depression.
Saturday links: an unstable world
1 hour ago
Big-tent capitalism?
Once CNBC is reporting from their own tent in Bushville, then the bottom will be in.
Obama aids this weekend said the fundamentals of the economy are strong. Also, Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.
The mainline press is total BS. No one with intelligence listens to these flacks. The perfect storm is here and as the title to the tribute book to Jim Morrison of the Doors says, "No one gets out of here alive."
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