This is going to be the single largest heist in history.
We need more people like Bob Basso. He has now made the powers that be 'uncomfortable'.
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Saturday links: an unstable world
4 hours ago
That diagram doesn't go far enough.
He forgot that they can rinse and repeat over and over.
After shaking down the first Toxic assets he pays back the $7 loan.
uses the $93 left over to buy the launder the next 13 toxic notes. Those 13 notes returns $1,300 for the next round.
So they actually have ZERO skin in the game. And exponential profits every go around.
So a smart bank that is wiser than is greedy would only have to bid up each round to $68 of par and still get filthy rich. And still claim they lost in the deal. The FED can pretend that recovery is reasonable. No one would be the wiser until after all the toxic paper washed off the bank books.
I'm betting they get greedy and go to 100% of par right off the bat.
Well done! This is an incredibly cogent presentation and it should be shown instead of network evening news propaganda shows.
On a technical side, what software or techniques were used to create this? I could use something like this for my classes.
Thanks for this excellent explanation :-)
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I saw a lot of helpful data above!
It won't truly have success, I believe so.
Quite worthwhile info, thank you for the article.
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